Yoga for Healthy Aging class

Hello everyone!

Our Yoga for Healthy Aging Class is extremely beneficial for people of all ages! In the class you will have the opportunity to improve your balance, flexibility, strength, and circulation. Yoga is also effective for stress management and reduction. Yoga is a life-long practice and over time, the individual, if persistent and consistent in their practice, will see the change and benefit of yoga. The classes are taught by our wonderful yoga instructor Mel Defe who has been practicing yoga for years and continues to incorporate new techniques in her classes. Mel recognizes individuals' capabilities and strives to help people grow within those capabilities. We currently offer yoga classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-11am and we are exploring the option of adding an additional class to our schedule. We would like to add an additional class in order to give more people the chance to come and practice with us. The new class would take place on Wednesdays 1:30pm-3pm. If you are interested in joining us for this new time slot please let us know so that we can make the new class official. :-)


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