What to expect: A Step by Step Guide for First Exams
1.) What to wear
Please wear functional cloths that we will be able to see the area of concern. (ie wear shorts if we are looking at your knee. Tank top or sports-bra if we are looking at shoulder, neck, upper-back.) If we can't see the area we will have you wear a gown in order to have a more accurate exam.
2.) Meet and Greet
Once you arrive at Spine & Sport, our front desk will greet you and ask you to fill out any needed paperwork. Then you will meet the Doctor and you will have your exam in a separate room. They will listen to your needs, wants, concerns, and goals. In order to identify the cause of your health problem(s), we have added additional time for the first chiropractic visit.
2.) Discuss your Health History
The first thing your doctor will do is take a thorough health history. This history will include family, occupational, and past medical histories as well as a history of your dietary and exercise habits and previous care received. This is why it's important to provide accurate and detailed information.
3.) Physical Examination
The doctor will may perform a static posture evaluation, range of motion, functional movement screening, and orthopedic and neurological testing. In addition, a careful spinal and muscular examination will be performed to detect any abnormalities which may be affecting or causing your condition. All of these elements are important components of your total health profile and vital in evaluating your health status. X-rays, MRI, or lab testing will be referred out if needed.
4.) soft tissue and Joint mobility Treatment
Once we have have found the underlying cause of your health problem, we will begin by administering adjustments and/or soft-tissue therapies. An "adjustment" means the specific manipulation of any joint in the body which has abnormal movement patterns or fails to function normally. The adjustment can be given by hand or instrument. It consists of applying pressure to the joint areas that are out of alignment or that do not move properly within their normal range of motion.
In addition to performing adjustments, we will pay close attention to your muscles and work to balance their tone. Many different methods are employed to reduce muscle spasms and also to strengthen weak muscles. These can include myofascial release , Active Release Technique ART, Acupressure/Trigger Point Release, H.M.T., Graston. Click Here to learn about our chiropractic adjustment and chiropractic soft tissue techniques. If you have any questions or interests about any of these techniques, please ask.
5.) Home Exercises
In order to get lasting results, your treatment plan follows you out our doors. After mobilizing the joints and soft tissue we want to stabilize the area with customized exercises that are tailored to your specific treatment plan. If we don't correct improper movement patterns or poor motor control we often seeing underlying issues continue to return.