Intermitant fasting


There has been a lot of talk lately about the role that intermittent fasting and Ketogenic diets play in order for the body to be in a fat burning state. Let me tell you my experience with it. I have messed around with my macros percentage (fats, proteins, carb), increasing the my good fats up into the 80-90% while limiting my protein to 10-15% and my carbs to some greens at every meal.

It was really fun to see the effects that the ketogenic diet had on my body, especially in my brain functions. For the most part, my energy levels seemed to stay more even keeled while my brain was able to focus better. If you want to learn more about this specific diet, I would also suggest starting with this podcast that features Dr. Dom D'Agostino on the Tim Ferris Show.  You can also check out website, which has a lot of information on this topic.

Although I think the Ketogentic diet may have a place in someone's life, for many of our clients it can be confusing and difficult. One of these complications is the commitment. One must have consistency of measuring out the macros throughout the day. Another aspect of this diet is contingent upon monitoring your blood glucose and ketone levels which is done with the 'finger pricking' and therefore allowing you to know if you are in ketosis. I personally used the Precision Xtra monitoring System, which does both Ketones and blood glucose monitoring.  You will also need Xtra Blood Ketone Test Strips which can be costly.

If you're not happy with how your body and brain are feeling, and this Ketogenic Diet seems enticing to you, by all means, go for it. But getting huge benefits on lowering cancer recurrences, increase longevity, reduce inflammation, there are simpler and easy ways available. Take a listen to the Dr. Rhonda Patrick Ph.D. talking with Dr. Ruth Patterson Ph.D.  (TIP: Start at the 8 minute mark to here about time-resticted Eating in Humans.) Then come back to the blog so we can talk about the main points!

In her discussion, Dr. Patterson brought up many key points. The fact that many people like to do the intermittent fasting - where they skip breakfast - because they are eating late into the evening and night.  We all know someone like this. Maybe it's you. But let me tell you a little about what your body goes through when we skip such an important meal. Her clinical researched showed that your last meal should be in the early evening around 6-8. This way you're allowing your digestion a 13 hour break until the next meal. Use this as a calculation -If your last meal is at 6pm, then your next meal should be no earlier than 7am.

This is why breakfast is called breakfast.  You are breaking your fast in the morning after 13 hours of  no food.  Drinking water in those 13 hours is fine.  You can play around with the time frame and do it longer and see how your body feels.  Some people do a 16/8 or  a 15/7.  However most people are going to find it difficult to skip breakfast if they haven't eaten in 13 hours.

Here are some of the benefits that they saw: 40% decrease in recurrance of breast cancer, better Metabolic function (glucose regulation), less inflammation, and better sleep.